Rebecca’s Journey in Systemic Constellations

Rebecca’s passion for Systemic Constellations led her on a remarkable journey of learning and growth. She embarked on this path in Germany, where she had the opportunity to study directly under the guidance of the originator of Systemic Constellations, Bert Hellinger, as well as other prominent practitioners in Europe. In 2008, Rebecca achieved a significant milestone in her training when […]

Rebecca’s Journey in Systemic Constellations

Rebecca’s passion for Systemic Constellations led her on a transformative journey, studying under the guidance of renowned practitioners in Europe, including the originator of this powerful therapeutic approach, Bert Hellinger. In 2008, Rebecca achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first recipient of the Hellinger Sciencia® Diploma. This recognition not only highlights her dedication to mastering the intricacies of Systemic […]